
“The End of Your World” and Other Resources

Posted by on May 19, 2012 in Otherhood, Vigils | No Comments
“The End of Your World” and Other Resources

I’m adding a few more books to the resources section. First, a new section, on Vigils & the Monastic Cycle: Art & Death, by Chris Townsend Each of the following books represents a unique take on awakening, a broad term that factors in our vision statement: “The Art Monastery Project is dedicated to cultivating personal awakening and cultural […]

Adam Yauch, a.k.a. MCA, was an Artmonk; Beastie Boys’ “Bodhisattva Vow”

Posted by on May 4, 2012 in Otherhood, Vigils | No Comments
Adam Yauch, a.k.a. MCA, was an Artmonk; Beastie Boys’ “Bodhisattva Vow”

[update: good context for this, a Salon post on Yauch, “From brat to activist: Adam Yauch’s transformation from hooligan to human rights figure paralleled a generation’s coming-of-age,” here.] I’ve started to notice recently how the vows we’ve taken this year (of gratitude, fidelity, and resourcefulness), as well as the midnight Vigils Ritual we’re investigating as part of […]

Ad Mortem – video preview!

Ad Mortem – video preview!

Check out this promotional video for our summer spettacolo, premiering July 2012 at Art Monastery Italia: More information (web page only in Italian): www.artmonastery.org/ad-mortem  

Inside the Process: One Month To Go

Inside the Process: One Month To Go

Liz Maxwell is the Artistic Director of the AMP, and the theater director of the summer piece. Here she shares some personal reflections on starting that process: In just one month, the artists arrive, and we begin. I’m absolutely exhilarated and thoroughly terrified about this. For almost an entire year now, I’ve been visioning, fantasizing, and […]

Requiem for a Pink Moon: Stunning

Requiem for a Pink Moon: Stunning

Joel Frederiksen’s concert celebrating the release of his new CD “Requiem for a Pink Moon,” performed to a packed church, was truly bravo. The perfect project to be developed at the Art Monastery, the CD bridges Nick Drake’s folk classics and Elizabethan lute. Amongst our most favorite performances hosted by the Art Monastery, Joel’s dark […]

Joel Frederiksen: Requiem for a Pink Moon

Joel Frederiksen: Requiem for a Pink Moon

Joel Frederiksen returns to Art Monastery Italia! Saturday, April 14, 6:30pm Free admission Colle di Costa, Labro JOEL FREDERIKSEN: Requiem for a Pink Moon http://www.joelfrederiksen.com In celebration of his new CD, celebrated musician Joel Frederiksen will perform excerpts from his project “Requiem for a Pink Moon.” This unique lute concert mixes classical music, the traditional […]

Vigils: Intimacy with the Void

Posted by on Mar 19, 2012 in News, Otherhood, Vigils | No Comments

The title of poet Paul Celan’s 1967 collection, Atemwende (in English: Breathturn), suggests that mysterious moment at the end of the out-breath and the beginning of the in-breath. What happens in that gap is… a gap. It permits no concepts (not even “emptiness”) and yet, ineffably, is a part of the fullness of human experience. The breathturn has its […]

The Monastic Cycle

Posted by on Mar 18, 2012 in News, Otherhood, Projects, Vigils | No Comments

More than just a structure in space, a monastery is a structure in time. With a regularity that can intimidate those outside the cloister walls, monks and nuns gather every few hours, every single day, for a cycle of rituals that involve chant, prayer, and meditation. Far from the kind of mind-numbing routines we sometimes […]