
Wholly New Moon

Posted by on Apr 21, 2020 in Blog | No Comments
Wholly New Moon

New Moon, April 22, 2020


It’s time to Moon Up.

No excuses. Heart break gerund.

Heartbreaking, breaking open.

New Moon, folks.

Are we going to return

to broken ways?

Action verb. Metrics:

Width of Grief

is Depth of Love.

It’s Lovers Moon, y’all. Old re-

lations, new shapes, new

forms, new expressions, new

courage to love.

Courage To Love is attention

directed intention, kinship.

A ship of interwoven species,

together in the open—

a storm brewing under

a spring new moon

wholly wrack, wholly ruin, wholly

new-old ways of care-

taking reality. First the sadness,

the bone-loss ache, the alienation,

the chaos wind, the violence immanent

throughout human societies, the trauma

locked in our bodies, songs caught in throats

the fear of falling, of not-enough, of dis-grace.

Holy aria of longing, once begun,

must lead to courage-to-act.

Whatever moon, whatever contradictions, whatever

gets us closer to real listening

is peace

whatever calls us to wholly grieve is also

what might awaken us from the dream

of new & old, empty & full.


& moment again

anew, afresh.

Moment by moment love widens

the field, seeds summer growth,

sweetens a dark harvest.



Text by Qayyum Johnson

Painting by Suiko McCall “She Who Leans Down from the Sky”, 2019. 60×30″, Ink on paper. Suiko.art

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