BBQ with DJ Franky
You may remember that in earlier entries I referred to a charming and knowledgeable PR expert introduced to us by The Pigeon and her partner. That is DJ Franky. He’s a partner in a Roman comunicazione firm. For Americans, we don’t have an exact equivalent to comunicazione– but the nearest equivalent is PR or maybe marketing. They specialize in all the written materials about your organization, incubate budding businesses, and help to search out potential funding sources. DJ Franky’s expertise and knowledge are vast — moments after meeting him he was coming up with innovative ideas for funding the Art Monastery. He immediately got the concept and seems genuinely thrilled about the project. It is really great to see an Italian understanding the project with such immediacy and following that up with volunteering his services. All this AND the man’s warmth and good heartedness beams out of him like water over Niagara Falls. I feel extremely grateful for this addition to our team!
So DJ Franky invited us over for a positively scrumptious BBQ with his ridiculously charming family at his breathtakingly beautiful summer home in Otricoli (15 minutes from Calvi) and we laughed our fool heads off the whole time. After lunch, we moved inside and he advised us on the bando and offered to connect us with multiple really interesting funding opportunities (a stipendium we could use to employ Flavia, Umbrian and European grants for various art projects, a corporate sponsor for the whole Art Monastery Project). He seems to be a miraculous combination of good friend and wise counselor. How did we land this angel? Thank you universe!
Click the images below to see the full collections of pictures from that day.
View from the house
When he wasn’t grilling up a wide variety of meats to perfection (including some killer ribs), DJ Franky was living up to his name by adjusting the music to suit the mood.
Frenchie is missing from this picture because she’s behind the camera.
When he offered us cigars after lunch I just couldn’t resist.
Things got wacky– is that a ray gun or a wine opener?
It was Sista Flav’s birthday, so DJ Franky crowned her Easter Queen.
After our post-lunch business-strategy meeting, we walked through the backyard and admired the neighbor’s horses and olive trees.You may remember that in earlier entries I referred to a charming and knowledgeable PR expert introduced to us by The Pigeon and her partner. That is DJ Franky. He’s a partner in a Roman comunicazione firm. For Americans, we don’t have an exact equivalent to comunicazione– but the nearest equivalent is PR or maybe marketing. They specialize in all the written materials about your organization, incubate budding businesses, and help to search out potential funding sources. DJ Franky’s expertise and knowledge are vast — moments after meeting him he was coming up with innovative ideas for funding the Art Monastery. He immediately got the concept and seems genuinely thrilled about the project. It is really great to see an Italian understanding the project with such immediacy and following that up with volunteering his services. All this AND the man’s warmth and good heartedness beams out of him like water over Niagara Falls. I feel extremely grateful for this addition to our team!
So DJ Franky invited us over for a positively scrumptious BBQ with his ridiculously charming family at his breathtakingly beautiful summer home in Otricoli (15 minutes from Calvi) and we laughed our fool heads off the whole time. After lunch, we moved inside and he advised us on the bando and offered to connect us with multiple really interesting funding opportunities (a stipendium we could use to employ Flavia, Umbrian and European grants for various art projects, a corporate sponsor for the whole Art Monastery Project). He seems to be a miraculous combination of good friend and wise counselor. How did we land this angel? Thank you universe!
Click the images below to see the full collections of pictures from that day.
View from the house
When he wasn’t grilling up a wide variety of meats to perfection (including some killer ribs), DJ Franky was living up to his name by adjusting the music to suit the mood.
Frenchie is missing from this picture because she’s behind the camera.
When he offered us cigars after lunch I just couldn’t resist.
Things got wacky– is that a ray gun or a wine opener?
It was Sista Flav’s birthday, so DJ Franky crowned her Easter Queen.
After our post-lunch business-strategy meeting, we walked through the backyard and admired the neighbor’s horses and olive trees.
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