Edges of the Sky Moon

Edges of the Sky Moon
New Moon December 14, 2020
Night stretches out in the cold
enrapturing frost gardens, draped
over seven horizons, stars upon mother’s cape
as she calls through sleeping valleys—
her quaking aspen voice bow-shaped
& quietly encouraging, a warm breath
of love turns the animal dream ancestral:
far out on a long voyage, no going back,
but onward the old path forward
returning to practice again
for the love of love and love
offered in faith to those to come
Poem by Qayyum Johnson
Painting by Suiko McCall
Nomad Dreams, 2019. Ink on Yupo, 15×28″.
Originals & high quality prints are available as part of a sitewide 30% off sale at suiko.art through Tuesday, December 15.
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