Empty-Handed Moon

Empty-Handed Moon
Full Moon September 18, 2024
Blessings arise from inner pattern
solid vapor wave particle
streak of curved light in a vacuum
infinite outer weave endlessly generative
& the autumnal grace to know the difference
Paths of multiplicity cascade of sparks
all action writ plain marked by umber night
so come here to your traveling home beloved
feed unity the harvest of presence
let there be a river of itself that flows
& in falling away graces another arising
Union of mother & child awareness
we address pregnant space as pure response
with our truest offering empty-handed
this love is not nothing
One fragrant summer yields to winter slowly
it is right for these changes for all is change
intermingled brazen field of sensations
all over this warmth an oceanic feeling
this late afternoon sun is yearning
wayfaring gifts abandoned in our eyes
here I see for a flash how intimate I truly am.
Poem by Qayyum Johnson
Painting by Suiko McCall. Truest Offering Empty-Handed, 2023. 5’x5′, Ink on Yupo.

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