
Four Letter Moon

Posted by on Jul 20, 2020 in Blog | No Comments
Four Letter Moon

New Moon July 20, 2020

Four Letter Moon


Nothing can be changed until it is faced.

                  -James Baldwin


Imagine love wants to see

your true face


Imagine that nothing matters

except love


Imagine love as you


Imagine love as everything

you’ve ever given attention to


Imagine love abides in difference


Imagine love as a force

that gives us meaning


Imagine love abhors a vacuum


Imagine love wants to know love


Imagine everything matters

because love is real


Imagine love is a power

uncontainable & inconceivable


Imagine love as language, as selfless action,

as water, as purslane, as voles, as dragonflies, wind


Try to imagine a love

able to rise whole into thin air,

invisible to our eyes

& hold our entire awareness

on the thin new blade

of a brightness soon to come


Imagine the imperfections of love

that love adores


Imagine love imagining

your radical truth &

trusting your courage

your vision

your journey

to recognize

your self

in vastness



Poem by Qayyum Johnson

Drawing by Suiko McCall — suiko.art — Aprire, 2015. Colored pencil on paper, 14×14″.


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