
Girl Friday Moon

Posted by on Sep 26, 2023 in Blog | No Comments
Girl Friday Moon

Full Moon  September 29, 2023

—for HCB, a singular morning star

Cosmic love is plain as day—

it is praise for a place to rise from

for the straightening braces of family

& the mirror spirit that sees you

seeing you

(Seeing all you don’t see

is a kind of seeing too)

So it is not clock time that matters

not the metric of comparison

neither thistle nor thorn but the bees

& myriad mouths who do not discriminate

but harvest according to their own love

for love is visiting low clovers in season

& returning to contribute bites

of watercolor yellow & spits of stone amber

May each night be your anniversary

of descent into distinguished embodiment

May the changing moon be a protector

& prism for seeing the unseen

for knowing that there is unknowable out there

that there is a fertile coil of mystery

called your life

that is wholly in alignment

even as it spirals from control

The tireless wind says:

Your life is a live silver wire

a marvelous loop of awareness

extending from heaven

to the future

& all of it perfumed

with the breath of countless invisible flowers

blessing these moments

that become you.

Poem by Qayyum Johnson

Painting by Suiko McCall. The Breath of Countless Invisible Flowers, 2023. Ink on Yupo, 36 x 28″. Available at suiko.art.

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