Great Wind Moon

Great Wind Moon
New Moon June 10, 2021
standing in the slipstream
bowing & bending even as we reach skywards
the bamboo in us, the shadows of our rhizomes
the nectar of this wind, moths & birds tilt-furl
casting glances, you would scamper aloft on air too
if you heard love winding your small name
through the center of identity
so insistently that all of you was gone
everywhere in an instant
this parable of equanimity—light
of moon, of sun, of love radiating
equally upon everything
is the story of our roots,
how we made sweet
& traded stone
how we salted & exhaled complexity—
the way our giving is boundless
& receiving beginningless
how there is the day when there is light
how there is always a moon in phase
how clouds appear & do not diminish
your inmost radiance
which is the world
& is also apparent death
which is the affirmative cosmos tissue
offering awesome unrepeatability forever
your pine ocean fire mountain gale
this orange blossom branch wand flight
our unwavering shimmer two-step
alive in flux, rejoice!
the breath of now given
blown-out in presence-absence
nine bows to David Hinton,
for language inspiration-translation
Poem by Qayyum Johnson
Painting by Suiko McCall. Mountains & Rivers, 2019. Ink on paper, 50×36″. Available at

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