Hasten Slowly Moon

Hasten Slowly Moon
New Moon April 11, 2021
Pale eastern light gently gestures.
Vision winter-held in chorus relief
phlox, cottonwood, tulip
root, branch & crown
how we have longed!
(the insuperable ache)
Aging agonal love, the tower impregnable
uncorrupted reunion delayed, messy
a febrile dream of ease/ yes, I’m in
but don’t hold me too close
(it all hurts b/c it all feels)
& we appear timely as a gallop, blink, drip
In this glistened current—under it, within it—
with opening eyes, a halo forms around you/us
a watery circle softening discretion
Merwin said, you invented forgiveness
and forgive nothing
dawn of everyday says, you woke in speed
and washed in starlight
A dun rabbit in the sideyard appears
hops, stops, turns a dark eye, springs.
Poem by Qayyum Johnson
Drawing by Suiko McCall. Moon of Pale Eastern Light, 2020. Pencil on paper, 8×10″. suiko.art
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