Moon of Freedom to Tell

New Moon, February 23, 2020
Harriet’s Light
(Moon of Freedom to Tell)
What are we to do
with the chickadees—
their insane happiness
& insistent colorful flit
in the renunciate simplicity
of leaf-bare winter?
What are we to do
with either the ongoingness
or the bitter evidence
of colossal ending?
What stories do we tell
ourselves & our inner child—
more so the to-be-born
sensate beings of the future
who will wonder & ask,
What were they doing
under that changing light
if not changing tirelessly
to become better elders—
if not going into the dark
to tell truth—
if not flying against
the strong current—
if not acting for freedom
to be wholly beautiful—
to become free within
all change,
with all beings?
Text by Qayyum Johnson
Painting by Suiko McCall,
She Who Swallows the Thunder, 2018. Ink on paper, 30×70″. Private collection.
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