More-than-human Moon Song

Full Moon, October 13, 2019
Growing With Death
Autumn in the north
Spring in the south
What is your journey now?
The wind in a dream
smells like warm grass
emergent, recumbent.
The More-Than-Human Moon
rises at sunset when full then
lays beyond the horizon at sunrise.
Repetition repeats anew
–seasons, birthdays, anniversaries–
creating cyclical updrafts
we soar upon,
learning as we go.
The art & practice
of opening to the more-than-me
that sustains us
is the moon calling…
Like a crone
like a newborn
like autumn crickets
like spring peepers
like breath visible in cool air
like muscles after work
like loving touch
like gentle glance
like opening
to what is alive
so as to sing all
a song of splendor
The moon calling
is calling calling—
what calling song
is your heart singing?
What heat-rise
is your call riding?
Can you cradle-call
all this changing song
with the infinite not-you
wilderness-web of kin?
Let us entreaty
the moon
to remind us
of our tender belonging
amidst quick-pivot change
& immense brightness!
text by Qayyum Johnson
painting by Betsy Suiko McCall
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