New Deal Now

New Deal Now
Full Moon, January 28, 2021
Tonight, right now, the moon is an avocado,
a silken green tornado in black skin
ready to remake the world in brilliance—
a giant seed round with lifeforce,
the moon goes to Washington
the moon beams Andromeda
the moon is a face of the goddess
the moon queers celestial spaces
& upsets separate & unequal traces—
it may be best to go naked in your body tonight
right now & eat the pleasure slow
there is lunar organizing to be done tomorrow
truthtelling, courageous seeing,
somatic demos & spirit ethos:
liberté, égalité, parenté
kinfolk at the potlatch—
let pleasure howl around a while
& blessed moments continue
to accrue & resound in high style—
in suchness there are necessary details,
there is real ugly history
there are elemental earth forces & dreamtime assists
all is present now—we say: down in the flood
it’s gonna be our fault if we don’t rise up
witness the moon of integrity & magic
contribute to the flourishing of love culture
glow from within ourselves
& devote illumination
to all others, our mothers,
furthering the project
of looking up & feeling down:
connections in all directions—
Poem by Qayyum Johnson

Painting by Suiko McCall. She Who Holds All Eggs, 2020. Beets, henna, wild grape, and fire circle charcoal on paper, 14×11″.
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