The Importance of Bruschette
First things first: a pronunciation lesson. What seems like decades ago (but is actually about a year ago) I was in some charming little Italian ristorante with our friend and collaborator (one of the very first to join the Art Monastery Project full force and now, our biggest donor), MM. I said, “Ooh, let’s get the brooshettah.”
She said, “You did NOT just say brooshettah, did you?”
“Of course not! I would never!”
I will spare you from the italian pronunciation lesson that ensued, except for the following highlight: it turns out that “che” in Italian is pronouced “keh.” Okay, now you can read on with proper pronunciation. Feel free to share with your friends.
Also, notice in the above photo, is Ben Venuto the one who has been teaching Josie she can just snuggle up with the fire? I don’t know, but he IS the one who built this ingenious contraption pictured below to toast the bread into bruschette.
[Another Italiano tip: the plural of bruschetta is bruschette.]Did you think I was joking when I said that the CdP was rustico? No no, we truly use the fire to cook our bread and meet. And when I say “we” I mean “Mystophur & Ben Venuto.”
Fireside snugglers: caught in the act!
Even snuggling doesn’t stop the Alpha Team from working. Seriously. We work all the time. When we have guests, we still work. When we need affection, we keep on working. Poor JuliaCesare gets overwhelmed sometimes– we need to get that boy of hers to come back from London and into the monastic fold!First things first: a pronunciation lesson. What seems like decades ago (but is actually about a year ago) I was in some charming little Italian ristorante with our friend and collaborator (one of the very first to join the Art Monastery Project full force and now, our biggest donor), MM. I said, “Ooh, let’s get the brooshettah.”
She said, “You did NOT just say brooshettah, did you?”
“Of course not! I would never!”
I will spare you from the italian pronunciation lesson that ensued, except for the following highlight: it turns out that “che” in Italian is pronouced “keh.” Okay, now you can read on with proper pronunciation. Feel free to share with your friends.
Also, notice in the above photo, is Ben Venuto the one who has been teaching Josie she can just snuggle up with the fire? I don’t know, but he IS the one who built this ingenious contraption pictured below to toast the bread into bruschette.
[Another Italiano tip: the plural of bruschetta is bruschette.]Did you think I was joking when I said that the CdP was rustico? No no, we truly use the fire to cook our bread and meet. And when I say “we” I mean “Mystophur & Ben Venuto.”
Fireside snugglers: caught in the act!
Even snuggling doesn’t stop the Alpha Team from working. Seriously. We work all the time. When we have guests, we still work. When we need affection, we keep on working. Poor JuliaCesare gets overwhelmed sometimes– we need to get that boy of hers to come back from London and into the monastic fold!
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