Vow of the Night Flying Moon

Vow of the Night Flying Moon
Full Moon March 7, 2023
On water’s edge I turn from undulant
sunset-fringed cloud horizon
& the hope of cetacean spumes
wishing glimpses of free cerulean bodies
emergent on endlessly silvered waters
the new binoculars now trained on the moon
eyes for my eyes with nearsighted glasses between
quivering shadow hare & shivering luminescent craters
my hands slight tremble magnified
this friend of winter sky untroubled
by our history of killing what we love
my beloved close by in our patch of sweet weeds
glow of postwar shoreline porchlights
one out of every two not illuminated
our living present of active annihilation
of what we fail to revere enough to save
our aversion to noble poverty impoverishing all
our two earth faces encircled by dusk moths
witness to one brown bat shadow
spiraling brushstroke of abundance
by the ocean beneath appearance
Jupiter Venus the unnamed manifold
forget sight in feeling the cool air
image real beneath our thoughts
close glass that sharpens distance
focus on this season these sensations
to live by seeing impact
oh my small vow to grow small
so that this world body of ours may be
Poem by Qayyum Johnson
Painting by Suiko McCall. Vow of the Night Flying Moon, 2022. Copper oxide & avocado on paper, 6×10″. suiko.art
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