We Must Be Honest Moon

We Must Be Honest Moon
New Moon January 29, 2025
Hoarding won’t save us, all flourishing is mutual.
-Robin Wall Kimmerer
Out of one world & into another
water into water, milk for milk
I had nothing to offer her
so I moaned when she moaned
& kept my eyes on her eyes
said I was so so sorry that pain
was visiting her in shuddering waves
it hurts, it hurts (yes it hurts, it hurts)
Imposter in the emergency room
only my finger maybe broken (not)
while this Being vocalized distress
time inexact under fluorescence
stranger-siblings seeking solace
circling the raw belly of our lives
in relationship for an afternoon
Did I dream of her last night
as an anxious whirlpool of climate-
fueled hot & angry seas swallowing ships
in that knowing of nighttime visions
I knew the strongman’s moral violence
would spread like sad blood
through the tired bed of our world
I woke not-alone & inconsolable
(her I know not where)
my timidity a graphic fearful spot
empathy shut-up in my imagination
a dartpoint of sky as we sat in the hospital
our momentary story briefly caught
(for how many actual breaths?)
on the nameless snag of suffering
I desperately want her to know
as I yearn to learn myself
that I do not despise our pain
or our shadowed love-wish for release.
Poem by Qayyum Johnson
Drawing by Suiko McCall

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