

 Wednesday, May 22
10-11:15am PST  |  1-2:15 pm EST |  7-8:15 pm CEST

Discover the three essential principles that can
dissolve your blocks to making art,

plumb the depth of your creative making as a creative practice,

and ignite the joy of your free expression.

A free 75-minute LIVE
global online event

with Suiko McCall
Founder of the Art Monastery, award-winning painter, Mindfulness Coach, and author





Imagine truly honoring that still, small voice that calls you to create
and doing so within a flow that feels guided by something beyond you.


The problem is you can’t seem to make time for your creative practices. Even if you do manage to get to it, you can’t stop judging yourself, the result doesn’t turn out the way it was in your head, and you begin to wonder if you’re just wasting time & materials.

You might even be thinking “I’m not a real artist.”

Unfortunately this is a common refrain because truly free creativity is not supported by mainstream society — even though this type of profoundly-connected liberated flow is perfectly natural and accessible for everyone.

Here’s the good news: you can access this kind of wildly open and inspired creativity.

In order to access the kind of expression that your soul longs for, you simply need to uncover and develop those skills.

In this workshop, I’ll share with you the 3 keys to total creative freedom, regardless of what medium you work in:

Get Out of
Your Head

It’s not news to you that in order to experience head-thrown-back hair-in-the-wind inspiration you need to get out of your head. To open the door to that rush where the creative spirit water-slides through you, you need to, paradoxically, get still and get quiet. Not a “sit down and shut up” kind of stillness. More like a “purring lion in your lap” kind of stillness. When you get out of your head and into your heart, you can not only turn on your creative firehose, but also find inspiration everywhere you freakin’ look. And you know what else? You wind up engaging more fully in your life. I will share exercises to awaken your senses, activate your intuition, and disrupt the heck out of your inner critic.

Focus on
the Process

You have a unique creative process. We all do. It is of utmost importance to figure out what your snowflake process is, rather than trying to wedge yourself into anyone else’s approach. I will give you a step-by-step roadmap to identify your ideal process and offer tips & tricks so you can actually show up to that practice — even in the midst of your busy life. When you start playing the tunes your muse likes, she shows up with her dancing shoes on.

Lean into

To access the kind of depth you’re looking for, you need support, feedback, accountability, encouragement and — dare I say — friendship. The fact is, none of us accomplishes anything alone. Especially as women and queer folx, we need at least one person we can talk to with frankness. Someone you trust to give you genuine feedback that’s insightful and compassionate. Buddha says about the spiritual path (and I submit to you that the creative path is such a one), “Numero uno is to find your peeps.” I’m paraphrasing but I think you catch my drift.

In order to access the kind of expression that your soul longs for, you simply need to uncover and develop those skills.

By the end of the class, you’ll have the tools to

  • melt the inner blocks that are thwarting you,
  • open up to a flow that feels more like letting something through than making something on your own, and
  • allow your true voice — free from the need for approval from others — to come ringing out of you.

Join women & queer artsy types from all over the planet who want to connect more deeply and express more authentically.

What People Are Saying

Asya Azar

Artist, Author,
Creative Strategist
San Francisco, CA

Working with Suiko, I have reconnected to the artist in me. It did something special. Being a part of this class was a part of me walking into my new life.

Shenandoah Weiss

Leadership & Career Coach, mindfulness teacher, and corporate learning specialist, 
San Diego, CA

I am now more confident in my making and my identity as an art maker. I’ve formed amazing friendships. I’ve deepened my understanding of what it means to make, why it matters, and possibilities of how to create community around it.

Jessica Amos

Founder of StayWithYourself.com, meditation teacher & coach with 1.2 million students
Salem, OR

Suiko offers substantial value. After the first time being led by her in Artmonk Practice, I felt the power of her gift as an artist and teacher. I cried and processed on a level not always available in my other methods of meditation.

Your Host

Suiko Betsy McCall founded the Art Monastery Project in 2007, an international arts organization dedicated to cultivating personal awakening and cultural transformation through art, spiritual practice, and connection with the earth.

She has published three books on creativity, empowerment, and community, which have been translated into 14 languages.

Garnering art degrees from Yale and San Francisco Art Institute, Suiko’s large-scale pattern-based paintings have been exhibited from San Francisco and New York to Budapest and Rome.

Suiko’s certifications include: International Transformation Host, Morning Altars teacher, and Mindfulness Meditation teacher.

Living  at Green Gulch Farm / Green Dragon Zen Temple for four years, she is lay ordained in Soto Zen Buddhism in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Suiko now focuses her spiritual growth on the land, shamanism, and her own intuition.