
Downside Up Moon

Posted by on Jul 18, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Downside Up Moon

Downside Up Moon July 21, 2024  Full Moon -In solidarity with reeling, dizzy & overheated beings I keep feeling good at least okay, not-terrible this I blame on the equanimity of birds who continue to scrutinize gnarly branches wiping their orange & black beaks across lichens’ hoarse surface & making their dawn-of-creation ecumenical merriment             I tried […]

Rise Up & Purify the Sky Moon

Posted by on Jul 5, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Rise Up & Purify the Sky Moon

Rise Up & Purify the Sky Moon New Moon  July 5, 2024 The thin model of a spider’s soul collects green pollen & shimmers             most sensually in the first hour of sunrise Beveled glass portholes cast subtle arcing rainbows they perambulate with painted shapes of change & make surprise appearances on the page There is much […]

Remember She Said Moon

Posted by on Jun 18, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Remember She Said Moon

Remember She Said Moon Full Solstice Moon  June 22, 2024 Let this morning bird song interrupt confusion The way a hammerdrill or freeway captivates A certain part of one’s attention when praying Trills of notes that mimic flight carry skyward The banner of courageous humility Known as the face of ordinariness This air song flies through […]

Stream Crossed Moon

Posted by on Jun 5, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Stream Crossed Moon

Stream Crossed Moon New Moon  June 6, 2024 When it comes is the right time It is waiting in the current Sound its signature presence A music from young childhood, first taste of bread Each black berry outlined in green light You the forcefield embrace channeling life I stood before you uncertain & grew Wavering rings […]

Still Gift of Night Moon

Posted by on May 21, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Still Gift of Night Moon

Still Gift of Night Moon Full Moon  May 23, 2024 For our shared future as we re-learn how to listen & trust the dark to nurture us. One night recently, before the moon rose A world congress of insects awoke & gathered Outside the screen of the empty shelter Day birds bid goodbye & were supplanted […]

Borderlands Moon

Posted by on May 6, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Borderlands Moon

Borderlands Moon New Moon  May 8, 2024 Time of grass pendants Little bells of glassy green With a hint of autumn already haloed Weeks before they dry on the stalk Their spindles, their Sufi whirling prayer One rooted ankle turned sunwise All the way to the center of the earth In response to provocation of air […]

War Is Over (If We Want It) Moon

Posted by on Apr 19, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
War Is Over (If We Want It) Moon

War Is Over (If We Want It) Moon Full Moon  April 23, 2024 This morning I sit in the incense Of jasmine & marvel at the intersection Where we meet—how wild the body The earth, the mind, the twining solar field How wild the scent of spring water under willow And open—how open to each other, […]

Gum Tree Oxygen Moon

Posted by on Apr 6, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Gum Tree Oxygen Moon

Gum Tree Oxygen Moon New Moon  April 8, 2024 One day soon our moon will say to us to anyone who listens— I am always going Under cover of night disrobed in transparence as deft & casual with beauty as any flowering spring the moon we share will go This unsurpassable breath Seeds fill the air […]

Implicit Association Moon

Posted by on Mar 15, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Implicit Association Moon

Implicit Association Moon Full Moon  March 24, 2024 Yes, first moon of spring, We are in a strange moment & could use some illumination. Here, early in the day, Already street ceremonies underway Metal rattles & petrol drums. I read poetry in a dark room That speaks in the affirmative While crows rasp outside. Blue lupines, […]

Brought To My Knees Moon

Posted by on Mar 9, 2024 in Blog | No Comments
Brought To My Knees Moon

Brought To My Knees Moon New Moon  March 10, 2024 The war In our hearts Goes on Small faraway moon We are blessed beyond The sayable And still I confess The pain of compassion Interrupts another day The vast dark infinite Hummingbird lightning This seed of peace Is there a secret Buried in the sky Dear […]