This Is the Chef ~ The Land, Our Home, and First Forage

This place is magical. I’m not trying to get too “woo” too quickly here, but the moment you step onto the property, you quickly realize how unreal it is that this place is so beautiful. When I wake up in the morning and walk outside my room to a domesticated wilderness overlooking the Italian countryside, […]
This Is the Chef ~ Welcome to the Kitchen

This is the chef, and here are the rules. So, I feel that I’m finally in a space where I can start writing about what is happening here. The first thing I have to say is that I am not a writer; I am a cook, or cuoca, as Italians would say. I ended up […]
Give the Gift of Inspiration – Julia’s story
Julia Pond Artist/Artmonk Art Monastery Italia 2008-present Nationality U.S.A. Current home London, UK Occupation Dancer/Choreographer Facilitator, LIFEbeat Interests Isadora Duncan Umbria You can participate by making a 100% tax-deductible donation via Paypal or by mailing a check made payable to “Gli Amici dell’Art Monastery” to Art Monastery 804 South Lincoln St Bloomington, IN 47401 […]
Give the Gift of Inspiration – Christina’s story
Christina Vani Intern Art Monastery Italia Spring 2011 Nationality Canada Current home Toronto, Canada Occupation Grad student, University of Toronto (Italian linguistics) Interests Veganism Twilight Italian grammar You can participate by making a 100% tax-deductible donation via Paypal or by mailing a check made payable to “Gli Amici dell’Art Monastery” to Art Monastery 804 […]
Give the Gift of Inspiration – Gerard’s story
Gerard Jara Visitor Art Monastery Italia Summer 2011 Nationality Spain Current home near Barcelona, Spain Occupation CEO, Candor-AGS Interests Artichokes Extra Virgin Olive Oil Cashews You can participate by making a 100% tax-deductible donation via Paypal or by mailing a check made payable to “Gli Amici dell’Art Monastery” to Art Monastery 804 South Lincoln […]
Concert and Fundraising in SF – February 18, 2012

Save the Date: Saturday, February 18 On Saturday, February 18, in the Diego Rivera Gallery of the San Francisco Art Institute (800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco), the Artmonks will perform a concert that is the culmination of an 8-day meditation retreat. During this week these artists will have been diving in deeply together, mostly in […]
Fall Newsletter 2011

Summer roundup video! Honors for artmonks! Short Film Festival! AM SF! All in the Art Monastery Project’s Fall 2011 newsletter. Global Recognition Artmonks all over the world receive honors and support for their talent and vision! Congratulations to: ~ Art Monastery Italia, who received a2-year €20,000 grant from the […]
Summer Newsletter 2011
Fire! Fundraising! Franchising! Flying the freak flag! All this and more in the Art Monastery Project’s Summer 2011 newsletter. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend IndieGoGo We’re almost […]
AMP’s got Pride
By Molly Freedenberg Last weekend was a special one for AM Italy folk: we marched in the Euro Pride Roma parade with the American Embassy. I didn’t know exactly what to expect from this combination of Pride’s joyful eccentricity and Rome’s jovial (but guarded) Catholicism. But nothing could have prepared us for what we encountered […]
Share The Love Tour, 2011
Share the Love Tour, 2011 Our core of Permamonks (those of us living in Italy) gathered post-retreat for our ‘Share The Love Tour’ fundraising roadtrip across America. Sometimes doing events together, sometimes sharing the load apart, we covered the west, south, and east of the United States over 2 months. Each event felt different. The […]