
Towards Possibility, the 2013 Cycle

Towards Possibility, the 2013 Cycle

This blog was written in the spirit of Lauds, our second year of the Art Monastic Cycle. December 2012 – 5am This is the time. Before the dawn. A quiet stillness pervades the air. A sense of coming, of serene anticipation, of something big just around the corner. It’s the same quality before a big […]

Guest Post: Marcella Calabi ~ The Onlooker’s Journal: Part 3 of 3

Guest Post: Marcella Calabi ~ The Onlooker’s Journal: Part 3 of 3

Marcella Calabi, principal consultant at Clarityworks and a multi-talented, award-winning soprano and music teacher, wrote several journal entries over the course of her multi-day stay with the Art Monastery this summer. This is the third of three parts. ~ There’s nothing as serious as a young artist talking about death, and the company has been […]

Guest Post: Marcella Calabi ~ The Onlooker’s Journal: Part 2 of 3

Guest Post: Marcella Calabi ~ The Onlooker’s Journal: Part 2 of 3

Marcella Calabi, principal consultant at Clarityworks and a multi-talented, award-winning soprano and music teacher, wrote several journal entries over the course of her multi-day stay with the Art Monastery this summer. This is the second of three parts. ~ How to describe their show… They sing, they dance, they play instruments and beat barrels, and […]

Guest Post: Marcella Calabi ~ The Onlooker’s Journal: Part 1 of 3

Guest Post: Marcella Calabi ~ The Onlooker’s Journal: Part 1 of 3

Marcella Calabi, principal consultant at Clarityworks and a multi-talented, award-winning soprano and music teacher, wrote several journal entries over the course of her multi-day stay with the Art Monastery this summer. This is the first of three parts. ~ THURSDAY 8/16/2012 So, I’m in Labro and have seen our people in person and in performance. […]

Neva Cockrell ~ Small Deaths, Personal Requiems

Neva Cockrell ~ Small Deaths, Personal Requiems

This entry was composed by summer Artmonk-in-Residence Neva Cockrell. The 90 days of residency officially ended last Friday. One by one, our summer community is heading off in different directions, and the past few days have brought a chilly wind—reminding me of change, bringing fresh new energy. I’ve been sitting in our surprisingly quiet house, […]

Inside the Process ~ Day 84 ~ “Soon, this place will be filled with ghosts.”

Inside the Process ~ Day 84 ~ “Soon, this place will be filled with ghosts.”

This post was composed on August 23, 2012. Soon, this place will be filled with ghosts. In just two days, we have our final show, and then it all flows from there: Andi will depart the next day; we’ll have a closing ceremony; soon after, the others will depart and slowly everyone will start to […]

Inside the Process ~ Day 79 ~ Touching Hearts

Inside the Process ~ Day 79 ~ Touching Hearts

This post was composed on August 18, 2012. How do you, as an artist, measure success? We’ve been having this discussion around the community over the past few weeks, and it’s particularly interesting as we continue to run our show for ever-changing, wildly different Italian audiences. I think I measure success somehow by number and […]

Hindsight: “I am so lucky. Just the luckiest.”

Hindsight: “I am so lucky. Just the luckiest.”

These are the scanned pages of Artmonk-in-Residence Ryan Hazelbaker‘s journal. [media-credit id=3 align=”aligncenter” width=”1111″][/media-credit][media-credit id=3 align=”aligncenter” width=”1221″][/media-credit][media-credit id=3 align=”aligncenter” width=”1129″][/media-credit][media-credit id=3 align=”aligncenter” width=”1033″][/media-credit]

L’eterno smascherato

L’eterno smascherato

Art Monastery original collaboratively-devised theater piece, formerly known as Ad Mortem, will be performed at Calici Sotto Le Stelle, Labro August 15 at 9:00pm August 17 at 9:00pm  Spoleto Open Fringe Festival, Parco Spoletosfera, Spoleto August 24 at 9:00pm August 25 at 9:00pm