Moon of Freedom to Tell

New Moon, February 23, 2020 Harriet’s Light (Moon of Freedom to Tell) What are we to do with the chickadees— their insane happiness & insistent colorful flit in the renunciate simplicity of leaf-bare winter? What are we to do with either the ongoingness or the bitter evidence of colossal ending? What stories do […]
Never Give Up!

The Full Moon is February 9, 2020. All hail Moon of Silence! Thank you Moon of Sparkling Snow Thank you Moon of Gentle Bell, bridging me from dream to other dream Thank you Moon of Out Breath, expanding from a single point of stillness Thank you Moon of Epic Thundering: Slow Crash Ice Thank you […]
Self-Care Moon At Rest

New Moon, January 24, 2020 Foundling winter moon as new as a river hushed in ice running all quiet & brown cattail, caribou or bats quiver in almost-light under a great distance. We look into the fire for ashen moon traces. We yelp & cuddle calling were-strangers in close to feed necessary demons […]
Finding Your Way Home Moon

January 10, 2020 Full Moon Finding Your Way Home Moon ink black to egg white horror to heart’s delight mesmerize, magnetize compass points skywise frozen dip, steady drip hiss of steam at whistle’s tip wake & sit, move & sing camaraderie on the wing over & out, up & down who […]
Rewilding Moon
New Moon December 26 2019 Rewilding Moon Allow the world to move. Sit still outside. Soften your gaze. Widen your breath to include an expansive periphery. Notice the field of life vibrate & move. Sit still. Soften your gaze. Widen your breath. Notice what presents itself to be seen. Allow the world. Open to grief. […]
Moon of Active Hope

Full Moon December 12, 2019 Moon of Active Hope Fullness is cyclical, courage to act comes & goes too— let it begin with me. Quiet, beauty, nature healthcare, shelter, honorable work— diverse cultures & species, song, seeds & ceremonies: so much to draw upon so much dawn to come so many ways to welcome a […]
Reparations Moon

New Moon November 2019 Reparations Moon Breathing space to invite an accounting of how blank, bare & bleak a life lived only for oneself becomes No light at night makes for clear mourning: all the loss made spacious & glittering, at rest in stars & dark music Gone Moon of Reparations: may it birth radical […]
Suiko: the Abbess formerly known as Betsy

On a sweltering eve of the August full moon, I knelt before my Buddhist teacher in a beautifully-crafted Japanese-style Zendo at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in Carmel, California, surrounded by 70-some monks and visitors and received my dharma name. I had been preparing for the ceremony for nearly two years, sewing a rakusu (patch robe), […]
Moon Questions

Full Moon November 12, 2019 moon questions* Where did you come from? (Which side of which place?) What do you mean, It happens by itself? When you climb the ladder of light, how do you know when you arrive? Why do feelings repeat? How does sound become music? Does color iridesce the same temperature across […]
New Moon October: Counting Stars

My life as an uncounted moon one of uncountable numbers of radiant dark moons Each moment sparks out against a teeming vastness the new presence silhouette/outline defined by absence a momentary star-pass amid dark mountain swells It can be hard to be still— to allow the manifold to manifest wordlessly From looking far and out, […]